Working conditions and labour laws in Malta


Working conditions differ across the world, and as a working expat, it is important to know your rights as an employee.

Are working conditions standard in Malta? For instance, are working hours, paid time off, and sick leave different for expats v.s. locals? Do they differ based on the type of company (private, public, NGO)?

Are there laws in place regarding physical conditions of the office, employee protection, etc.?

What are some resources in Malta to inform people about labour laws and employee rights (websites, governmental associations)?

Have the general working conditions or labour laws changed in any way lately?

How do the working conditions and labour laws in Malta differ from your country of origin?

Thank you for sharing your experience,


As I have never worked over here I do not have any experience as regards working conditions but would assume they are not as good as some other countries especially if you are not local.

One thing to be very careful about is the regulation around fixed term contracts. Article 36 (12) of the "Employment and Industrial Relations Act" says "An employee who abandons the service of his employer before the time definitely specified by the contract of service shall pay to his employer a sum equal to one-half of the full wages to which he would have become entitled if he had continued in the service for the remainder of the time so specifically agreed upon...". Some employers take profit of the fact foreigners don't know this regulation to offer this type of contract. I know people who were asked to pay this fee when they resigned. A fixed term contract can be as long as four years. I would strongly recommend refusing this type of contract and ask for an indefinite time contract of service. That is what most Maltese do.