Language barriers in Austria


Learning a new language is a part of the expat process. Let's find out how crucial it is to know the language in Austria.

What is the official language in Austria, and what are the other popular spoken languages?

Is it possible to live in Austria and get by without speaking the language?

How do you manage to communicate with the locals if you don't speak the native/official language fluently?

What are some popular and useful phrases that expats absolutely need to know?

Can you share some tips about how to survive in Austria on a daily basis without speaking the language?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


Join international groups, like expat or Women in Vienna.  There is a large international community here... but you should learn German as well.

I'm curious it seems as though a lot of expats haven't really learnt the language (based on scrolling through the various conversations on here). I am confused as i've been told you need to know at least A1 level with certificate in order to apply for a residence permit?