Advice for build house in philippines and about materials to use

Soon i will start build a house here in philippines ( Bohol ) i would like to have some advice from who can give me, and also what material to use, i know there is many kind of cement, so i am asking what kind of cement better to use and where i can buy o how i can buy for spend less possible. thanks

i have been a mason for 20 years. i have to say the masonry there is... interestingly horrible atleast when it comes to block work. mortar mix i use is portland sand ratio of 1:3 for stone mud and type S cement and sand ratio 1:3 for block. i have never seen a block larger than 6 hollows on mindanao. i would build with 6's and wrap with 6 inches of stone. core flled with number 4 rebar... earthquakes. hahaha