Best city to live in the Uk?


I've been living in London in the past 5 years and initially loved it, so multi-cultural and there's always something cool to visit and do. On the other hand the cost of life here is outrageous and saving is almost impossible.

I'll graduate in the summer and would like move to another city in the Uk, therefore I'd like to know how you guys find the city you live in.
I was considering Liverpool, Leeds, Glasgow (Scotts seems much more friendly than Londoners)...
but open to suggestions!

Cheers  :top:

I live in a mining village in North Yorkshire; it's really nice here.  I wouldn't call it multi-cultural though (I think we're the nearest thing they have to any foreigners at all).  The last bank closed a few years ago.  We do have an Indian restaurant and a Domino pizza place (they bought the old bank building); it's where King Athelstan lived for some of his reign.

Leeds isn't far away (15 minutes on the train - when they're running) and assuming you got a useful degree, there's plenty of work for those who are willing to do it, or there's warehousing work on zero-hour contracts.

But the cost of living is half what it is in London, what price multi-culturalism eh? :)

I live in Woking, on the main line between Southampton and London, making it a great place for a wide variety of activities.  One can be at Waterloo in less than 30 minutes, but there are plenty of places to go and see on foot or train in the area.  I absolutely love it here.  Rent is much cheaper than London, but still higher than most places in the US.