Vietnamese passport application.

May I know after going to ho chi minh immigration dept get the document for apply passport, what other documents do we need when go to the province imigration dept. My vietnamese friend is from the rural area coutryside province and live alone. Need any household or family document when apply new passport?

For Vietnamese passport application, your friend needs to submit a signed application form along with authentic copies of his/her ID, residential certification, bust photo, and of course fees. You'd better get in touch with the Immigration of the province for advance information to make sure you don't have to report to them more than once  :)

Ok  singuyen. What is residential certificate? Need parent's signature?  My friend only got her old passport and ID card. She move out from her house and live alone all the while.

"residential certificate" is usually the Vietnamese 'house book" or 'family book' . Vietnamese people know that, as that is needed really for everything

Ok I3ully. Thanks.

granturbo wrote:

Ok  singuyen. What is residential certificate? Need parent's signature?  My friend only got her old passport and ID card. She move out from her house and live alone all the while.

If your friend has an expired passport, with luck that may be all she needs, along with new photos and her ID card.   If she can bring her family book (hộ khẩu) or a notarized copy so much the better, but it might not be needed for a renewal.  One thing that might come up is that even if she does not need the book, she may need to apply for the passport in her official "hometown" in the book, rather than wherever she lives now.

Time and distance away from home do not matter in the hộ khẩu system.  You can live on Phú Quốc island for decades and still be in your parents book in Hanoi.  If that person on Phú Quốc buys a motorbike, they have to register it in Hanoi.  Yes, it sounds ridiculous because it is.   :unsure

Ok. Thigv. My friend live in dong nai. She not renew her passporr. Her passport photo fade. So need make new passport.