Entering Schengen zone as tourist before my working permit starts

Hi, I'm Eduardo and soon I'll be working on Stockholm. I already have my working and residence permit approved starting this September 17th to work in Stockholm (Sweden).

However, I have plans to visit a friend over in Barcelona first (around the September 2nd). I have a visa free entry to Schengen as tourist (since I have a chilean passport).

Can I enter the Schengen zone as tourist first, and then moving over Stockholm to start working after the permit date or do I need to re-enter to activate the working permit?

The relocation agency that is helping me with this process mentioned me that there's no problem about it, but the only thing I should consider is that I can't start working before the 17th. I just want to confirm this before buying the plane tickets.


Welcome to the Forum :)

I can't see there being an issue, but if you want to double check contact the embassy.