Hi all :)

I got a job offer from an international kindergarten called SMART KIDS CHINA, they are based in Beijing and have made a great impression on me.

I am looking for current or past employees to tell me what it is really like working at this school.

Please help, I've had one bad experience in China already and am apprehensive about returning.

Odd - newish site from July 2017 - maybe a new company?

The registration details are hidden and the contact number is all over scam sites - doesn't mean they're scammers, just the registrant is known to allow and assist scam sites

No direct contact details except an email available - odd

Adverts from this year asking for 10 new teachers - why so many?

Their social media doesn't link from their site

Physical address is missing - show me a school that doesn't splash their contact details and address as far and wide as possible

Take care and, should they ask for money for anything, run away and publish their request here so other posters can see.

If they are legit, post that as well.

I found them on Teachaway

So they were called Sunkids three years ago. This is what the foreign teacher manager has told me

Sun Baby Bilingual Kindergarten is what pops up on Google maps when I entered the adress I was just given. On the satellite image it also shows an empty piece of land
Adress: 北京朝阳区太阳宫夏家园甲13号 太阳宝贝双语幼儿园 100028

Sunkids were advertising in 2017.
The empty land could just mean a new building but google hasn't updated their satellite images of the area.

Give me all the details you have (by PM if you'd prefer) and I'll see what I can dig up.
The biggest concern is hiding the registration details for their site  - why would they?

Let's have a look at what we have so far.

The web site registration details are hidden, as they are for their previous sites.
They don't advertise a physical address or a telephone number
They're asking for cash for visa and travel
There doesn't appear to be any reviews of the school. active social media, or even pictures posted by parents
There doesn't seem to be any advertising anywhere except the site
There' no 'chatter' about the school.

I'm not saying this is a scam as I have no proof at all, but I wouldn't send them any of my money.

I worked there for 10 months. It's a great place to work if you like education being about as boring as an assembly line at a factory. Every class has to be the same no matter what, no matter the age. So the toddlers are confused and the old ones are bored. I wanted to give my class room candy for christmas and was told it was no allowed because other classrooms would be mad. And you will receive no help from the Manager unless you are her friend. No internet? Not her problem! No heat? Not her problem! My apartment was coming down on our heads and we were told that it was "just how things were." I lived in china two years prior to being at this school so I was well aware of "just how things were" was her way of saying "Not my problem!" Oh! And then I got in trouble for putting in the elbow grease and fixing everything myself.

If you can make friends with the manager, great place to be! Great apartment, great atmosphere, and lots of time off for visa runs and vacations. If not, you're in for an exhausting endeavour and won't last a year, ending up bitter about a truly beautiful country.


Wow, what a experience you have been through. Well, my names Hyder and am coming to China this month seeking Esl Job or Hotel Management. The two fields i have most experience in. Any leads will be highly appreciated! I need all the help i can get honestly. Which school are you talking about ? City ? What about pay ? Do they hire non native English speakers ? Sorry for too many question lol.

Warm Regards,