Carta del Cittadino per RESIDENTI STRANIERI nel 2019

mi segnalano questa NEWS che ritengo di estremo interesse.

Per la semplificazione della "vita"  quotidiana dei Residenti Stranieri in Portogallo rilasceranno una CARTA d'IDENTITà avente N. NIF, N. di sicurezza sociale e i numeri del servizio sanitario .

Home Affairs Ministry announces ‘Citizen's Card' for foreigners
Portugal's Ministry of Home Affairs has this week announced that by the end of next year it will be introducing a new ID card for foreign nationals, similar to the Cartão Cidadão that Portuguese nationals have, which will replace the current residency card.

In a statement on the Brits in Portugal Facebook page, the British Embassy announced: “We have some good news for all those of you who have told us that it would be useful to have an ID card, similar to the one issued to Portuguese nationals, which includes your tax, social security and health user number.
“The Portuguese government has announced that, towards the end of 2019, they will extend the issue of ‘Foreign Citizens' Cards' to all foreign nationals who are resident in Portugal”.
The ID card will substitute the current residence card and incorporate personal tax, social security and Portuguese NHS numbers. It is part of a series of innovative measures that fall under the Portuguese government's Simplex scheme to streamline and simplify bureaucracy.
According to the Ministry for Home Affairs, the new card will come into circulation during the last quarter of 2019.
It was created in collaboration with the Ministries of Presidency and Administrative Modernisation, Justice, Finances, Health, and Labour, Welfare and Social Security.
The card's purpose, the Ministry says, is to “aggregate on a residency card all information that is on the [national] Citizen's Card, and extend its issue to all foreigners who request it - including those from the Schengen Area”.

Buongiorno a Tutti e a Sbertan,
ottima notizia, aspettiamo fine 2019 e sarebbe bene sapere dove poter richiedere la carta, salvo che le Autorità non la spediscono direttamente agli interessati a casa.
Molto cordialmente,
alfredo luigi caruso

Buongiorno a tutti  :) 

Grazie mille per la notizia Stefano. Aspettiamo
altri dettagli.

Anabela  :cheers:

Buongiorno a tutti e un grazie a Sbertan.
É una bella notizia, non resta che attendere l'applicazione concreta.
Buona giornata

Ottima notizia Stefano
Buona giornata a tutti

Stefano :)
meriti almeno un grazie enorme da tutti i forumisti.
Poche ciance e molte info.

sempre su pezzo il nostro efficacissimo Stefano!

Ciao Stefano, grazie sempre per le tue notizie!

Grazie per la news , davvero un'ottima notizia.

Grazie per la notizia Stefano  :thanks: