Looking for an affordable crèche

I am searching for a crèche for my 2 month baby girl....i did not know that i had to book while 3 months pregnant because i had just arrived in Belgium with my husband and son. Now i would like to start searching for a job and the private crèches are very expensive (650euros per month) and i can't afford that. I live in ixelles. Any advice and suggestions would greatly be appreciated.
Thank you

Phone all the creches near to you.

Hi Evelyn,

Contact the child welfare services, they will surely offer you a list of nurseries or certified babysitters.


MArked as Brussels. 80% of creches in Brussels are inspected by ONE not Kind en Gezin.
You can find 99% of them on this website.

You just need to phone all the ones near you and email.

Hi Currylover,

Agree with O.N.E. but at O.N.E. it's easier to believe in 🎅 than to find someone who speak english...

Not in the experience of Bruxellois and Brusselaars. That is quite a racist remark in fact.

The Flemish public kribben in Brussels, all inspected by K&G, are often forbidden to speak anything other than Dutch, that is a fact.

A great proportion of K&G inspected creches in Brussels are in fact French as the language of use, simply because K&G allow a 9 to 1 ratio for babies and ONE allow a lower ratio.

It is best to go with an open mind and choose a creche you can get a place in which you like.