Successes in your career in Romania


Becoming an expat means starting over in a new country, and a lot of times that also means starting over in your career as well.

How have your skills and experiences evolved since moving to Romania?

What does being successful in your career mean to you?

Can you share some tips about what to do and what to avoid in order to advance in your professional career in Romania?

Can you share an inspirational career story with us?

Did you have to change careers or adapt your career to fit the job demands in Romania?

How do you balance a successful career with your personal and social life?

What are the benefits of having work experience in different countries?

Thank you for sharing your experience,


Buna Priscilla!

I hope this finds you well!

Expats come from different parts of the world. They come with their own psychological mind set and world view. This leads each nationality to have their own perception of Romania and Romanian people which is different from others.

Similarly, people of Romania react to different nationalities differently. (Skin colour makes a difference here in Romania.) Also, people of Bucharest view other nationals differently than people from small towns like Iasi, for example.

All this makes expats from different origins have differing views of Romania.

So sharing my experiences may not be very relevant for other expats from different backgrounds and different cultures; they may not find it conforms to their thinking or their reality and circumstances.

In my life I have changed places, country, culture, language, food every 2-3 yrs. In my wanderings, I have observed that every culture has something nice; I try to take the nice part from that culture and include it in myself. The rest I ignore/set aside.

I wish you well!