Looking for a reasonable school in RIYADH (grade 8, 5 & 3)

Dear all,

We've been living in Jeddah for a long time and moved to Dubai for few years. Now, I've found a job in Riyadh and will be moving soon. As any parent would think, we're curious about the schools in Riyadh.
Frankly, the British International School or Multinational school are too expensive for our budget.
However, we're looking for UK curriculum with reasonable fees but good education and school environment.

Your experienced suggestions and views would be highly appreciated.

Also, my wife is a teacher here in a reputable Kindergarten here. Any idea if any schools are looking for a teacher? Would be great if she finds a job in the same school as kids. (Yeah, I'm usually optimistic!) :)

I'm planning to decide for the accommodation once a school is finalized.

Thank you & regards,

I would recommend Multinational school in Riyadh , King Abdulaziz school or Alforsan international school.

AL Forsan International school, but they follow an American curriculum. Exit 7 Izdihar

Have you found any school if yes please help me as well