List of some compounds in Al Khobar KSA

list of some compounds in or near the city of Al Khobar with higher than average facilities and services (Furnished, free inhouse maintenance, swimming pool, gym, coffee shop or mini market, bus service, Cable TV channel, party room)
Oasis Gardens (western)
Oasis Resort (mixed)
Al Mohamadiah
Al Zamil (Western)
Al Dana (Mixed)
Al Nada (Mixed)
Al Hogait (eastern)
Al Canari
Roseville (eastern)
Al Rushaid (Western)
Eurovillage (western)
Al Ansari (mixed)
Palm springs (Mixed)
Sea shore (wesern)
Al Riyadh (mixed)
Karawan village

There are some other ones that are out there
Al Ferdouse
the Vertical village
Gulf homes
Al rawabi pearl
The pearl
Al Bayt
Al Rashid residence
Rima residence
Gulf pearl