Translation vietnamese help

can someone pls help me to translate below sentence in to english or german. tks!

Kết quả thành công với mức độ hẹp tồn Lưu cuối cùng là: 0.0%.

Google translate gives this answer:

"Successful results with the last survivor level are: 0.0%."

Bazza139 wrote:

Google translate gives this answer:

"Successful results with the last survivor level are: 0.0%."

That's a better than average result for Google translate.

Which is to say: "You better praise Buddha! there is zero, nil ... chance for success!" ;
"To^'t ho*n, ba.n ha~y ca^`u nguye^.n Pha^.t To^?! Cha(ng? co' co* ho^.i na`o dde^? tha`nh co^ng!" :)