Employees' working hour as allowed by MOM

Hi, I want to ask what is the maximum working hour per week (or month) as allowed by MOM?

I am required to work 6 days in a week for 9 hours (including break time). I'm also a shift worker, which means I have 2 different working time. I saw in MOM's website that shift worker is only supposed to work for an average of 44 hours for each continuous 3 weeks. For mine:
Week 1: 8 working hours * 6 days= 48 hours/week
The average for 3 weeks would be 48 hours, which exceed the MOM's requirement.

My concern is whether this requirement is true for all cases, or most companies tend to ignore it? Because I want to tell my employer regarding this, since I feel like 9 hours in 6 days is also a bit too much (not to mention my salary). If anyone knows better, can you please explain regarding the maximum working time in singapore?


You should contact MoM and explain the situation (also show your work contract specifying the worktime). They will help you and take appropriate actions.