IT Jobs


I would like stay in Berlin to search IT jobs related to my skills.
Since my job seeker Visa valid for 6 months.
Is it possible to get jobs without speaking German language.


I am not in that field but have seen it mentioned here that at least certain niches of IT are in high demand and foreigners without good German do sometimes get decent jobs. This is an exception to the general rule. But it will very well depend on the specific job and your qualifications. And if you do get a job in Germany, it is only to your own advantage that you learn as much German as you can as quickly as possible. Not that one cannot get through for essentials with English but one is then dependent on others for help and misses out on a lot of things. The main difficulty in German is the details, getting the articles right and having everything agree. But if one doesn't worry about it and concentrates on how basic verbs work and learns lots of nouns then you will at least have a passive understanding.