Jigsaw puzzle Hanoi

Can anyone rec anywhere where I can get a jigsaw puzzle in Hanoi.

Even better, does anyone know anywhere that will make one from photo?


I am very interested in knowing this as well! Replying so I can subscribe to your post.

You can find some offers on lazada.vn:


(My post might be deleted soon since I post links from outside)

Hahaha - i thought you were saying that Hanoi is a jigsaw puzzle - i wholeheartedly agree! A perfect description. Sorry to say, i've got no idea where in Hanoi one can buy a jigsaw puzzle.
Best of luck, cheers

Looking for a place to make a jigsaw puzzle as well. I really need to use them for my classes at school. I started making one myself, but its going to take forever and look really bad once I finish trying to cut this thick cardboard.

If anyone has any idea, I'd love to  know and I'd buy you some bia!

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: Www.facebook.com/pg/SanPhamSangTaoShop244KimMa

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tel: (+84) 024.22150808