
When you get married with a Vietnamese girl and after divorce what rights does foreigners have.
Buying a house or land after you married. Then divorce 50/50? So I know foreigners can't owning land or houses. When your partner past away what happens with your house (foreign) ?
Bank accounts before married or after married. You divorce 50/50?
What happens with if you you have children and divorce?

There are posts here on the forum which cover your query.

Divorce - you are asking very general questions assuming that every case is ruled on in the same way. It doesn't work that way in the United States, and it most certainly doesn't work that way in a country like Vietnam. The interpretations of the laws are different in every case, just like no two divorces are the same. Yeah?

You can search the forum for divorce but expect mostly anecdotes with unhappy endings for foreigners because no one reports happy ones.
Tip: Get a more powerful lawyer than your spouse.