Convertion to Islam

Good day!
I have a query and hope you could share your ideas about it.

I'm a 30 yr. old single  Filipina- Christian nurse working in Riyadh and my boyfriend is a 28 year old single  Pakistani Muslim sales engineer. We want to get married. My queries includes the following:

1.What are the procedures required for me to be able to marry him?

2. Is converting to Islam the only way to marry him?

Thank you.

Getting married to a Muslim woman is preferable, but not mandatory. As per the Islamic rules, a man can/may marry a non-Muslim woman (Christian or Jewish). Conversion to Islam will make your marriage-life much more easier.  Of course its up to both of you to decide. Final note, if a man believes that marrying a non-Muslim woman will weaken his religious believes then he is encouraged to avoid marrying a non-Muslim.

I hope that answered your concerns.


Thank you for your insights Adam!