The best apps for expats in Greece


We invite you to share information regarding some of the apps that have helped to facilitate your move abroad in Greece. This will help expats-to-be who are making the move as well.

Which apps did you use while preparing your move to Greece?

What apps do you use the most for your everyday life in Greece: whether it's for transport, managing finances, general information, learning the language of your host country, leisure activities, etc.?

How does this technology help you in your everyday life as an expat?

Which apps would you recommend to expatriates in Greece and why?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


The bbc app has been my friend here in Greece, thats how I get my news, and know whats going on in the world.

Hi, do you use a vpn?
The bbc has blocked 3 vpn's that I have tried.

Well i would suggest  the oasa app concerning the bus timetables, since everything is connected it allows you to schedule things much better