Same-sex couple expats in China

Hi everyone! I'm moving to China and I've seen some difficulties related to the VISA for same-sex couples.
Anyone has some experience, or knows a same-sex couple working in China?
Thanks a lot!

Same sex couples are an issue because the government 1) will not recognize the relationship and 2) not provide any dependant visa based on that said relationship.  If the the mentioned partner has a job and office who will sponsor their work visa, then problem solved. Otherwise no solution

Since China does not officially recognize same-sex relationships, there will be no benefit in your trying to use that relationship for visa support. However, once in China, having same-sex relationships isn't really a problem. You can just be lao peng you or really really close friends. No one will bat an eye here.

On a practical basis, you will need to come here individually, and handle all your legal transactions as if you were single. That will be the cost that you will have to pay to live in China.

Don't even try to "buck the system". It will not happen. You will be a laowai no matter what you do or argue.

I would like to correct the answers from some of the previous replies. If you are a white collar expat living in Beijing, they grant same sex dependent visa to your partner. Only in Beijing in mainland China. And HK.

I would like to add a comment. Please remember that most of our fears are unfounded and bigger than they actually are. Follow your heart. Be brave, and move forward. Please believe me.