Your experience in Nepal

Hello at every one , i am a project to go live a nepal , is there anyone inform me if you can settle down easily ?

Thank you in advance for a answer .

Hi Ri en75,

Welcome to the forum.

Please note that i have moved your thread to the anglophone forum since you posted in English. The following thread will give you some insights : What to expect when moving to Nepal

P.S, you can switch to the francophone forum by clicking on the flag found on the upper right corner of the page, choose the French flag.

all the best,

There are ways to settle down in Nepal, but it depends on what you plan to do here. If you can tell me more, maybe in a PM, maybe I can help you think of something. Always do legally. The shady ways can get you in big trouble and I haven't heard of anyone who had any illegal scheme to work well.

I'm always happy to help people to experience Nepal. I can help with finding a good hospital or dentist where you can save about 90% of US prices. It's great weather and if you get out of Kathmandu City the air is fine. The problem is that the water isn't treated and the city was at the bottom of a huge lake, so the dirt is silty and covers everything.

If you come Aug. 1 you can stay until May 31 of the next year on a tourist visa. It depends on a lot of other factors for other types of visas.

Ri en 75 - Settle down in Nepal to do what? Things here not so simple, especially for foreigners who are required to apply to the authorities before they can do anything. Your project has to meet the well established nepali criteria, and you cannot start to work until and unless you meet all their financial  and other criteria, notably import of minimum capital investment through legal banking channels. Certain sectors are closed to foreign investors too. You'll find many guidelines which should be useful to you on these pages. Worth recalling too that it is strictly against regulations for you or any foreigner to work here while you are in this country on a tourist visa. If you do, and they catch you, you get expelled or fined or both. My suggestion is that initially you first come to Nepal on a simple no-work visit - therefore on a 150 day tourist visa (max. in any one calendar year) - to fully familiarize yourself with Nepal, to see whether you like it or not, to do your own full assessment of the place, to survey working conditions etc.  Based on those findings, you will be in a better position to make a more sensible decision to proceed or not to proceed with your intended project. Just one word of caution: don't believe everything you hear about how easy everything and the formalities may be. As they say, take everything with a grain of salt - and above all make your own decision, based on your own findings, and not based other peoples' hearsay. While you are here on your reconnaissance mission, get legal advice too before you invest a single penny. Better safe, than sorry. Play it safe!