Starting a business

Does anyone know if I as a foreigner (Canadian) can simply come to Philippines, rent some commercial space and start a water refilling business by myself? All properly licensed of course.

Its advisable (and relatively easy in this connected world) to consult with local law firms in the Philippines before investing. I developed a letter giving my background and intentions. I sent this letter to 5 firms and received 4 responses. Of these, one stood out as the most professional. So, in January I will sit down with him and hear about my options.

I see no problem with that except that you should make sure that your Lease Contract covered all the terms you need for your business and as to the water refilling, it is clear to the provider the type of  water you wanted to serve the public. You need a trusted Filipino national to guide you.

Why water refilling? Like beauty salons there are 10 on every block.