Business Visa

I want to ask about my VN Business visa renewal/extension.I am using my current 3 mos.single entry and it will expire on Dec.22,2017 and I want to renew in advance this month to multiple entry would that be possible or I have to wait till Dec.?Thank you

Whether an extension or a fresh one, you have to go through an agent.
I assume you got your current DN visa through an agent.

As far as I know, a single entry visa can't be converted into a multi entry one on extension.
You may have to opt for a new multi-entry visa. In that case, you are free to do it anytime you want.
Vietnam Visa Extension And Renewal (for reference only)

Thank you Senwl:)

You will need to leave the country to activate a new visa and you can't upgrade from single to multi entry.

I think you have to wait till Dec. 22, it would be better for you, and you need to get New Visa Letter and apply for a Multiple Business Visa, it will cause you much if you will not exit.