How to get a job

Can I work in Mexico, even I am an expat?

You need permission from INM.

My understanding of how the work permit process works is you have to have the employer complete the application and submit it before you can get a permit.  Then you have to return to the US (assuming that is where you are from) to obtain the physical work permit/residency permit from your local Mexican consulate.

I've just completed this process and will be returning August 31 with my work permit/residency permit in hand.

I teach English and that is the employment I found quite easily.  Hope that helps.

Wow! Thank you for your warm response Sir! I was in Mexico for 3 months. Now I am planning to come back. Which website can I visit to look for a prospect job. I can also teach English. I am from Manila.

Wow! Thank you for your warm response Dear I was in Mexico for 3 months. Now I am planning to come back. Which website can I visit to look for a prospect job. I can also teach English. I am from Manila.

To teach English generally you need a BA degree and either a TESOL or Celta ESL certificate.  I have a TESOL and 3 years experience teaching English in foreign countries. (Turkey, Italy, Mexico).  You can find information about the certification online.  I took my training in Los Angeles through the Oxford Seminars, if that helps send you in a direction.  Some schools will hire without any certification just to have a native speaker.  However, it is pretty EASY to find work if you actually have the certification.
Hope that helps.  And I'm a madam, not a sir! lol!

imabadass1989 wrote:

Wow! Thank you for your warm response Sir! I was in Mexico for 3 months. Now I am planning to come back. Which website can I visit to look for a prospect job. I can also teach English. I am from Manila.

There is also a job listing area at the top of the page. you might find more information there.

Buena suerte.

Hahahaha, My bad! But thank you so much for feeding me with that information. I will see and check if I will be eligible on that job. Thank you so much Madam! Cheers!