Job offer Advise in Khobar


I have accepted offer letter from US based company in Khobar. Details of the offer as below.

14000 SR (Basic+HRA+Transport) + Medical for Family+ Air Ticket + Schooling for Kids (upto 12000 SR for each Kid/year).

Can any one advise the job offer is Ok and how much i can save. I have 10+ years of exp. in QA/QC EPC companies

I am Indian Nationality and can you advise me how much i can save ?

Your saving depends on number of your family members and on your lifestyle.

Hameed88 wrote:

I am Indian Nationality and can you advise me how much i can save ?

You can save well, really well.

Nowadays the rents have gone down and cost of living is less, plus in today's situation that is a very good pay