Freelance in Entertainment/Events industry

Myself and my husband currently stay in South Africa, but are looking for opportunities outside of South Africa to freelance in the entertainment/event industry. We both have experience in this field with my husband being a sound engineer for the post 15 years and a business owner of staging, lighting and sound. I have a production house with events management and project management experience. We both have some theatre experience aswell.
We would love to freelance on events around the world and gain some more experience ;))

The word “freelance” suggests unofficial, casual, unlicensed, etc.  If that's what you have in mind, that won't fly here in Indonesia.  The laws in Indonesia are very strict and protective of local citizens and their access to jobs and running businesses. 

That said, Indonesia is very open to foreign investment, but it has to be done legally with the proper licenses and visas.

Good luck with your ventures.

What he said.

If you invest serious money in a PMA company you can do it but casual work is pretty much impossible to do legally.