Preparing television program in Singapore

I am Leen Vermont, I am working for Belgian television.
I am preparing a new television program for Belgian television, in this program, we want to compare Belgium to other countries on different subjects.
One of the subjects is education and for this we would like to come to Singapore.
At this moment, I am looking for more information about education in Singapore, can anyone help me with this?
Thanks a lot.

Google it, you will get plenty of information. Recent documentary in BBC was showing Singapore primary and secondary education system and course curriculum are best in the world esp. in Match & Science and overall performance scorecard among pupils is much higher than any country in the world. You can google it on BBC documentary article, then collect information from there along with many information available on Google. Good luck

Dear Surya,
thank you for the mentioning of the BBC documentary, I will check it.
For the rest, of course I have been using google, now I am looking for people who can tell me their personal experiences with the education system.