How much is the cost of invation latter from brazil?

Hello everyone.

I am from kurdistan (north of iraq) my girlfriend is brazilian. I rescript to go to brazil and marry her and stay in brazil for 1 to 2 years when I become a brazilian citizen and be able to have a brazilian passport we shall travel to canada. Is that possible? How much time will take to be a brazilian citizenship? Then to creat a brazilian passport? Can someone give me a detail about this process? And how my girlfriend send me the invation letter and how much is for the fee? Thank you

Jegr_kurdi … oreigners/

The Alien Statute indicates the following conditions for obtaining Brazilian nationality:

Have civil capacity, according to Brazilian law;
Be registered as permanent in Brazil;
Have continuous residence in national territory, for a minimum period of four years, immediately prior to the application for naturalization;
Know how to read and write in Portuguese;
Exercise of profession or possession of sufficient assets for self- and family maintenance;
Good conduct;
No denunciation or condemnation in Brazil or abroad for an intentional crime to which a minimum sentence of imprisonment is attached which in theory exceeds 1 (one) year ;
To be in good health, proof of which is not required for foreigners that have resided in Brazil for more than two years.

Then you can end the marriage and try to get into Canada.

The cost for issuance of an invitation is between 12 Brazilian reais to 50 Brazilian reais max