Accommodation with pets

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I have a question regarding living with pets in Copenhagen (accommodation in particular). Do you have any tips on how to find a room/flat with pets, even caged rodents? I have two gorgeous Dumbo rats that I very much don't want to leave behind.
So far I've messaged in response to every listing I found and there are no pets allowed anywhere. I would be very happy for any tips whatsoever.

Thank you very much for any response.

It's my impression that every landlord or housing association have their own rules. The rules were originally meant for dogs and cats, but people have now extended their pets to include other kind of animals.

For example, In many social housings, rabbits are not allowed, but guinea pigs are.  Dumbo rats may thus be a borderline case.

If you find an apartment of your own, I would assume it was ok with the rats and make no problem out of it, and probably no one will ever discover your pets.

If we are talking about renting a room from a private landlord, I would mention the presence of the animals for him. However, I would wait to mention the animals till I had met the landlord personally and thus be able to answer his contingent questions about size, cage, smell, waste, damaging etc. Maybe, you could also bring some photos with you?

You may try to ask
about their rules, just to get a pointer.

Below guide lines from a social housing shows there is a delicate balance between permission and prohibition. … usdyr.ashx
Hold af smådyr vil altid være tilladt uanset husdyrsreglementets indhold. Betegnelsen
smådyr omfatter fugle, fisk, hamstrer marsvin o. lign. Retspraksis har vist, at smådyr
fortolkes meget snævert. Fx er kaniner og tam-ildere ikke smådyr. Disse er derfor
omfattet af husdyrsreglementets regler for husdyr. Selvom hold af smådyr altid er
tilladt, skal hold af disse ske uden gene for de øvrige beboere. Der kan derfor godt i
husdyrsreglementet stilles betingelser i forhold til hold af smådyr. Der kan fx være tale
om begrænsninger i forhold til antallet, placering, støj, lugt osv.
