Moving to Tunisia in 3 weeks

I am curious if I move to Tunisia from the United States do I have to leave after 3 months and return or is there something I have to do so that I can stay longer?

Hello.  Americans can actually stay 4 months .  If you are planning on staying longer , you can go to any police post and get a stamp.  I'm not sure of the price , but it's very inexpensive .  Also, it's not like you will be deported if you stay past 4 months and do not get the stamp.  In that case you pay a fine.  Not sure on the price .  I'm not sure of your relationship status , but if you are married to a Tunisian, you can apply for a citizen de Seour .  Anything else you'd like to know , feel free to message me .  I'm married to a Tunisian and live in Sousse.

Thank you so much for the information. This is so helpful.

When I came here (2015), I was told by many people (and the websites), that you're allowed to stay four months, BUT most of the staff at the airports, and the police Believe it is three months. As far as the stamp goes, make sure you leave plenty of time ahead of the deadline to get it. And even though I had the stamp when I left Tunisia (the second time), they Still charged me $160 TND. The lady who helped us at the police station made it clear that it was correct, but sometimes it just comes down to money. And I wasn't about to miss my flight. Otherwise, everyone is awesome here. It's only the airport (Tunis) I seem to have problems with. Good luck! I'm in Hammamet.

Yes you can apply for a resident card .
This is the official tunisian law chapters , think they will be helpful

The chapter first
The entering to the Tunisian lands and the exit is from her the definitive places for the entering or the exit and in ear with regard to specialized, and forms that baalt'ashyr Ali passport or strong which straightens established his.
The chapter second
The foreigner be possible for entering of the Tunisian lands or the stay in her or the exit from her if occurring of Ali was correct visa rules of this law reconciled for donated Ali penetrative passport the performed issued about designated authority confessor in her or Ali is strong his place straightens holder entitles her the return for the issued state encloses her.
The chapter third
Citizens enjoy the Arab countries rightly the entering to the Tunisian lands according to the personal cards, about road executors of the definitive incomes the bases and the measures agreed for which be specified her the administration the common people for the legalities and the nationality.
The chapter fourth
I must ship masters and the airplanes at her arrival to the Tunisian lands or her departure for her that office of the specialized legalities present to detection in names working Ali their ships or airplanes them and riding her and the relative to statements they, and Ali them that the office in riding names inform who visas of entering do not carry or passing of correct and that prevent them from departure of the ship or the airplane or the rise to her except in written permission from the mentioned office, as they must before the departure that backwardness of any rider inform about treacherous aalsfyt or the airplane and document of trip to office hand over his the specialized legalities, and if not his matter does not discover except after the departure be necessary on them that the mentioned office in his inform name and sexual his telegraphic, and that send in the faster methods his travel document from first port or airport arrive to him.
The chapter fifth
Grants according to this law the coming visas: -
A) entry permit/and she is the entering for the shown purpose in the visa allows for a period of Ali does not increase forty five days from issuing date her, and holder entitles her the stay in the Tunisian lands period of three months from history of the entering.
B) visa of passing/and she is other state allows the entering for the purpose of crossing of the Tunisian lands to my lands, and holder entitles her the stay in the Tunisian lands for a period of become remote her five ten days of entry from history.
C) visa of exit/allows for carrying her departure of the Tunisian lands.
D) visa of establishment/and allows for carrying her the stay in the Tunisian lands for the period and the purpose definitive in her.
The chapter sixth
Good grants of entry permit for several trips for the foreigners be possible who their job nature requires that for a period of become remote her three months from history the grants.
As grants of visa in the exit be possible and the entering for several trips for the foreigners the occurring Ali visas in the establishment, and contagious formation for a period of the establishment on not to six months exceed.
And define the executive list the essential conditions her abundance to this visas granted.
The chapter seventh
Collective grants of entry permit for holder of legality be possible the collective trip e'lY'alaa their number increases fifty persons raised and that the legality includes their images and their data and define the executive list the conditions the other the duty be available her to granting of this visa.
The chapter eighth
I must the submissive foreigner for rules this law what follows: -
A) respect of the composition and the penetrative laws in the Tunisian republic.
B) the progress for closer side of legalities for the registration during seven days from his history of entering and provide the statements and the relative to documents him and in individuals captured him who visa in the entering granted depending on for him and that Ali the infectious example for this purpose.
C) the stating in the data which requires from him the faithful appointments which be specified for him and the notification about losing or damage or his leaning termination circulation of trip.
The chapter ninth
Raised each of foreigner sheltered or lived him in any characteristic that presents during eight and forty hours from time the lodging or the housing data about the foreigner and his companions and that for closer office of legalities or local point of security, and that Ali the infectious example therefore, and Ali be necessary police station or the local security is notification closer of branch or office for the legalities thereby.
The chapter tenth
Viscosity is foreign and his sons the palace and his girls other than the married and for who wails them from paternal his and his brothers the palace truth of the enjoyment in breath of the donated establishment for him.
The chapter is eleventh
It is not permissible for the foreigner who cheapened for him in the entering or the establishment for the purpose of designating that this purpose contradicts except after obtaining written permission from General Manager the legalities and the nationality or from empowers him at that.
The chapter the twelfth
Raised each of foreigner uses that statement presents thereby to office of the legalities specialized direct or penguin of the registered mail and that during seven days from history of affiliation foreign in the work and that the mentioned office in termination notifies served him during self of the period.
The chapter the thirteenth
All foreigner raised grants of visa in the establishment that the administration advances to the common people for the legalities and the nationality or her one of branches or her offices during month from history grants of the visa for the occurrence Ali proof of residency on the foreigner showing of this card blamed requests her from the two specialized employees during rising their in their position, and they be possible for if the situation called retention of the card with them timed in condition of giving accompanied her connection thereby.
And define the executive list the statements which be necessary that includes on her proof of residency and her period of competence depending on for kind of the establishment.
Nor lefts rule of this article Ali the foreign occurring Ali is visa of temporary accommodation for a period of surpassing of three months nor Ali estimator in the dependence for the foreigner who their ages do not exceed six ten years.
The chapter the fourteenth
Truth falls foreign in the reduced establishment for him in her if the Tunisian lands vanished outside period Ali increases three months.
The exclusion from this rule be possible based on be specified him the executive list.
The chapter the fifteenth
All foreigner raised the Tunisian lands leave for a period of Ali increases three months successive that proof of residency to office of the legalities hand over the specialist opposite connection thereby, and Ali him at the return whatever his period was of absence that in the registration rules of the item reconciled for (in) from the article eighth of this law and that recovery in his requests energy.
The chapter the sixteenth
Any time be possible in cancellation visa of the donated establishment for the foreigner and that in the coming situations: -
A) if was in and his generosity what security of the state threatens or her safety in the internal or outside or her economy or the health is the common people or the literatures is the common people or burden of Ali was the state.
B) if rule on him in felony or violative misdemeanor in the honor or the loyalty or the general security
C) if the conditions contradicted which imposed on him at his grants the visa.
d) if the reason ended who his period granted from the visa.
Cancellation of the visa forms whatever was extended her in decision from General Manager the legalities and the nationality.
The article seventh ten
The foreigner in the coming cases distances:
A) if income of the countries without correct visa.
B) if departure of the countries despite termination period of the reduced establishment refrained about for him in her and agreement of the specialized side Ali is renewal her.
C) if visa of the donated establishment canceled for him the sharpest definitive reasons in the article sixteen from this law.
d) if chest against him adjudication in the distances.
The distances in the cases form (do, in, j) in causing decision from General Manager the legalities and sexual.
The chapter the eighteenth
For manager the general legalities and the nationality that Ali foreign imposes who his distances be decided the establishment in designating side or charging him in the hesitation Ali closer security side in the appointments which determines her and that to when his distances, as be possible for him withheld him until measures of the distances are complete.
Nor the foreigner allows for that was his distances the Libyan lands in the return to her except in causing decision from General Manager the legalities and the nationality.
The chapter the nineteenth
With lack of the breach in any punishment tougher dictates on her any law is the other imprisonment punishes in and in fine Ali does not increase hundred Dinars or in one of those two punishments: -
A) each of the specialized sides in untrue statements dangled in front of or foot to her data or papers untrue taking into account his thereby to his breath simplifies for or lGyrh entering of the countries or the establishment in her or the exit from her in opposite for rules this law.
B) each of income of the countries or remained in her or output from her without correct visa export about the specialized sides dish for rules of this law.
C) each of the mandatory conditions contradicted to granting of the visa or lengthening extended her or her renewal.
D) each of two bugs in the countries after his notification in her departure before the specialized sides dish for rules of this law.
Him) each of use of foreigner without observance for the mentioned rules in the article ninth of this law.
The chapter the twentieth
The imprisonment punishes in period Ali does not increase three months and in fine hundred Dinars do not increase on or in one of those two punishments each of any infraction committed other for rules this law or the issued lists in required his.
The chapter twenty one
The two general employees are for the workers in the legalities and the nationality who the judicial regulation exports precisely their my decision characteristic of ordered concerning in execution rules of this law and the issued lists in required his.
The chapter second and the twenty
Rules of this law Ali do not rejoice the coming factions:
A) members of the political and consular wire and who in their reliable rule in the Tunisian republic maadaamwaa upright in their work border of the treatment carried out similarly.
B) exempt according to international agreements were formed the Tunisian republic edge in her faithful border of that agreements.
C) exempt in special ear for political considerations or related in complimentary international.
D) the workers in the ships and the flying coming Tunisian republic follows the carrying for leaning trip of marine or air the specialized following authorities for her, I have to is complete aalt'ashyr Ali that documents from office the specialized legalities in the port or the airport in what the entering reports or the establishment 'aaaw the departure, nor this visas entitle her holder the establishment encloses not to for a period of stay of the ship or the airplane.
E) the riding ships and the airplanes which anchors or port descends in or airport in the Tunisian lands who they cheapen for offices of the specialized legalities in the fall or the stay timed in Tunisia of period stay of the ship or the airplane.
The chapter third and the twenty
The executive list leads consequently the law in decision and be necessary that Ali most special includes what follows:
A) specification executors of the entering follows the Tunisian republic and the exit from her.
B) bases and measures of specification of the forbidden foreigners from entering the countries or her departure and despotic drawers or raising of names their the special lists thereby.
C) measures of the distances and her execution.
D) conditions and measures of grants of the visas for foreign and chaste from her and her period of competence and lengthening extended her and her renewal and appointment requested her and specification of the specialized sides in her grants and the valuable drawings which results her and chaste situations from this drawings wholly or partly taking into account the treatment similarly.
E) bases and measures grants of cards of the establishment and her renewal and her specification of form and the statements which includes her and the drawings which her grants enforce payment at or renewal her and chaste cases from this drawings wholly or partly taking into account the treatment in the same manner
) specification records and the examples and the needed papers for execution rules of this law and opposite her the cash.
F) specification of the persons who they must presentation of insurances or pledges before entering their the Tunisian republic.
G) specification of the testimonies which loyalty reports foreign in his commitments before the departure.
The article fourth and the twenty
The law cancels number 17 for the year 1962 in matter of entering and establishment foreign in Tunisia and their exit from her and who modifications him.

Do I have to be married to someone from Tunisia to get a resident card?

Yes i think so because u want to be a resident in tunisia .


She can study , work or marrying a tunisian man

Hey Nicole. I've been here since November. Every 4 months I go to Paris for a few hours to stamp my passport. Then I come back. This proves I left the country and police authorities see my proof.

LatanyaJamli wrote:

Hey Nicole. I've been here since November. Every 4 months I go to Paris for a few hours to stamp my passport. Then I come back. This proves I left the country and police authorities see my proof.

You don't need to leave the country.  Apply for a carte de sejour which gives you permanent residency.  You renew this every 2 years.  It is so much easier.  Unless of course you have a reason for going to France so often.

Ahmed079 wrote:

She can study , work or marrying a tunisian man

Ahmen - you do not have to be any of the above.  All you need to prove to the Ministry is that you have foreign currency and that you bring in a minimum of TND10,000 by year.  A foreigner can own land (but not agricultural) and house/apartment if they wish.  Foreigners are encouraged to retire here or to make projects.  It is easy.

Oh my goodness! How much is this? I've just been told that I could only get residency by having 12,000 in a Tunisian bank, get married, or leave every 4 months. Please tell me more.  :)

LatanyaJamli wrote:

Oh my goodness! How much is this? I've just been told that I could only get residency by having 12,000 in a Tunisian bank, get married, or leave every 4 months. Please tell me more.  :)

Questions:  are you married to a Tunisian = permanent residency
                      are you involved in a project to bring currency into Tunisia = permanent residency
                      will you transfer minimum TND10,000 in foreign currency = permanent residency
What currency will you transfer in - USD/GBP/EU - this will determine your currency rate and how much you will get this end.

Actually I will soon marry a Tunisian. I have no desire to live in America again. I just hate the traveling every 4 months.

LatanyaJamli wrote:

Actually I will soon marry a Tunisian. I have no desire to live in America again. I just hate the traveling every 4 months.

Well then, get your fiance to register you with the local police station, apply for the carte de sejour and you are done!!  Easy peasy Tunisiiee

Thanks so much!!! I am registered now. I really appreciate your help.  :)

No Not really ,
You can always apply for the residence of 2Y ( Carte de Sejour )

I always leave every 4 months. This is the legal time for U.S. citizens. ;)

I will fly to France and stay a few hours, then return the sane day.

Hi ,

I would  like to marry  Tunisia  girl .

Appreciate  if you can help on this or can give me some advice  to look forward.

Thanks  a lot


As I wanna live in Tunisia.


Have you ever been here??

deadboy wrote:

As I wanna live in Tunisia.

So, you live in Singapore with a good quality of life.  Here we are a 3rd world country without all the infrastructure that you have.  Rubbish lines the streets etc. etc.  My question is still why?


Actually  there is no settlement life that is why as I wanna get settlement.

Don't understand - what do you mean by settlement

Deadboy ,

You most welcome , but I'll suggest you first to come for a visit and check around ...
I think there are several factors to be considered before make a decision essentially work ...If you want to marry a Tunisian G , that should not be an issue we have plenty here ...I still wondering why though ... lol