Could i find a job vacancies in Tennessee ?

I'm moving to Tennessee USA
could i find a job vacancies in Tennessee which doesn't require a college degree and my husband is i'm  3D Exhibit designer is it available there i mean is it popular there ? because i couldn't find a vacancies there ,and if its not where should i work that kind of work

Start with the usual job boards - CareerBuilder, Indeed, Monster, LinkedIn,...
Read the job posting carefully and follow instructions. Google job fairs. Have you updated your resumes?
Have you contacted churches, as you wrote you are active in your faith?
Join meet up groups to network.
Where in TN will you be moving to?

I'm moving to Nashville Tennessee i haven't contact churches in Nashville yet but i did to contact with churches in California cuz i was about to go there and i got no response thats why i didnt try with tennessee churches hahaha

CA - TN basically two different countries. What made you decide on TN?

my relative in CA couldnt host me anymore and i know its expensive country and i cant afford that, thats why i find i might be ok in TN  cuz its cheaper but not sure if it has a job vacancies or not for higschool degree cuz ii havent qualified my bachelor degree there yet

There are jobs availbile everywhere in the world. The question is what kind of jobs are suitable to your education and experience. One can always work for minimum wage at a fast food place... To be more specific about particular opportuniites then one would have to narrow it down to an area. Tennesse is a State not a city, so the question is where in Tennesse you mean. But obviously, the bigger the municipality, the more potential opportunities.

hi thanks in advance for your message I'm going to Nashville our bachelor degree not qualify there so we are ready to have any kind of jobs in restaurants or markets until we could study or qualify our degree to have a better job