Age limit

Hei  everyone,im  just  wondering  about  this  24  rule  age  limit  for  applying  for  family  immigration. Is  it  really  true?

well, I heard of a New zealand couple who wish to apply for their son (more than 21 yrs old) to come to Norway using family unification and it was rejected.

What exactly is your situation? It probably depends on the relationship of the sponsor and applicant.

Im  married  to  a  norwegian  man  and  all  im  hearing  is  i  must  be  atleast  24  to apply  for  the family immigration. Im still  confused  about it

Oh I see.  I think they are trying to make sure there is no underage girl being forced into marriage.

So far, the cases I heard are mostly those people that came from islamic country with wives as young as 16 yrs old that were rejected and undergo investigation.

Oh okey  im 23  let  me  wait  til  I  get  24  in  december and apply.thank you

You can find out here by an online form Norway Immigration

Have same situation too,
As fornight said it is possible that they want to stop forced marriages for under age girls which happens mostly in muslim countries (maybe in other Asian countries too). But this effects a lot of genuine cases as well. I am from Pakistan and I see forced marriages are very rare now but still exceptions are always there.
My wife is 23 years old and she got rejected last week.
As it is written on UDI webpage if they believe it is not a forced marriage, they can make exception. I am an engineer working here since 4 years and ofcourse being an educated person you can never think of forced marriage.

I am going to appeal against the decision but I would appreciate any suggestions how to make them assure of this.