Residence permit procedures

Hi everyone ,
I'm from Tunisia,  my husband has maltese citizenship , ID card, maltese passport....
We moved with our 2children 1 month ago,  with a 1 year visa.
Kids will start school after the holidays.
For the residence permit,  we must present a" proof of financial means".
Does it mean a certain amount of money? Or something else??
Thanks for any answer 😊

It means that you must have enough cash to support yourself and your resident family without state help/support

that could be cash in savings or a regular paid job or other income streams


Do you know the minimum amount as different countries have different amounts?

So how to know about the minimum amount???

not sure how upto date this article is but it  does give you an idea of requirements … ionals.htm

if this doesnt satisfy or maybe is not so clear - I would suggest getting in touch with the competent authority in Malta

Ok,  thanks a lot 😘