Moving to thailand

I'm looking to move to Thailand to teach English, my question is would it be best to plan this new adventure or just jump in with both feet and book my flight? Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.

Same here, as teacher and for what its worth I just jumped, booked flight and arrive in Pattaya in 12 days, although I did a fair bit of research beforehand, if I can be of help just ask, regards Jeff

From what I've found, the only hard requirement is to have a Bachelors Degree or reasonable facsimile thereof. Without which, no teaching visa. A TESOL cert plus some experience wouldn't hurt.

Go for it.  I came here from the UK for a 2 week holiday back in 2009 and never returned.  You'll be okay.  Chok dee  :top:

One Thai expression - up to you! Depending upon the kind of person is the answer to your question. Do you like things organized and in place or do you do things on the fly? It's all up to you.