Did you know ?
1. The section in the Companies Act 2015 that required all foreign companies to have a Kenyan with 30% shares has been suspended.
which now means it will be easier to invest in Kenya.

Now you know

Its good news, but doesn't really go far enough in terms of addressing the requirements for obtaining the Class G permit in tandem with this.

The same requirements for class G still stands.

This is just in reference of registering a company in Kenya.

Hi, yes I realise that, but just saying that if the Kenyan government are serious about attracting investment via foreign business, then amending the Companies Act is only half the story.  That should also look at the class G criteria.

A foreign investor is going to want to operate a company and will need a work permit.  The class G requirements are quite tough - Ksh 100,000 per year and a minimum capital of $100,000, which locks many foreigners out.