Looking for a gym buddy

hey everyone ,

i recently got a gym membership at California fitness to hopefully get back into better shape. I'm interested in weight training and is looking for someone who could maybe show me the basics and would want to workout together . Since i have no idea what i'm doing .  i don't like the PT they have there and really don't want to spend more money paying for it.  I can do the California fitness in D7 & the one at D3.  So if you are a member at either one of those , iB me and let's go from there.


Hi everyone,

I was wondering if there are any female exclusive gyms around? Preferably with ac and clean facilities.

Thanks in advance,

Can you tell us why you don't like the PT there? I will be in HCMC soon and I want to get in shape too. I also thought maybe I should get a PT to get started. So I'm interested why you don't like the PT, apart from spending more money ofcourse.

I don't think most of them are qualified to be trainer. The certification process is sketchy at best. You're better off working out on your own or with a buddy, unless you need someone to tell you how good looking you are then that's what these PTs are there for.

@ nopinky
mostly because they don't really know what they are teaching or so it seems to me. For example , they don't seem to push you like the pts we have back home , there was a lady that came into the gym on what seems to be her first day and the trainer didn't explain how to breathe or posture when lifting weights, they just had her doing the lightest possible. The main thing i look for is someone to spot me when i'm doing heavy sets and to correct my posture so it reduces injuries but honestly speaking i don't think many of them could spot me (the guys there while 1 or 2 is big most don't look the part of a PT, and the girls are smaller than i am) .  English can also be a barrier , that's pretty much why i don't really like them. Also when you do decide to pick a gym , i recommend anywhere but California Fitness. Its pretty much the planet fitness of Vietnam ( minus the fact is super overprice).