Expats Volunteer opportunities in Bordeaux and surrounding area?

Hi! :)

I was wondering if anyone knows of volunteer opportunities in Bordeaux area.
Does anyone have any suggestions for volunteer work in local libraries, animal shelters, hospitals or nursing homes, etc.?

I want to see if I can do some volunteer work a few hours (or a couple of days a week) with my intermediate level of French.

Any info is much appreciated! Thank you. Merci.


Hi Jo,

Maybe some leads here : http://bordeaux.francebenevolat.org/

Try to inquire from them.

All the best,

Bhavna, thank you!

What visa with??? Are you student?


What visa with??? Are you student?

Carte de Séjour (Vie privée et familiale) and NO, I'm not a student.

Hi there,

This is my first reply, but I have lived here for 6 years. I often pass adult bike classes near the Miroir d'Eau. I wonder if they need instructors? It's done by the city, I don't know if they're volunteers or paid, but if you enjoy riding and would like others to learn to ride as adults, you might look into it.

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to reply. Will look into that!

How are you faring in Bordeaux so far, Mzgen?

Still adjusting. New experiences and new challenges but loving it here down south closer to the ocean and mountain! :)


How was your trip overall? I am hoping to stay in Bordeaux for a month for the purpose of language learning. I'm also looking for a way to volunteer or be more involved. Currently, I'm an early intermediate speaker.
