Student permit or Work permit


I am French and I am doing  a master in Chemistry. I did an exchange fron september to december at the University if Victoria:UVic ( British Columbia) in Canada. I did not need a student permit because my exchange was less than 6 months.
In order to finish my master, I need to do an internship between 4 and 6 months. I found it in a Lab at UVic. So my internship is in a lab and not in a company.
Do you know what king of permit do I need? Student or work permit?
I will not be paid.


Best Regards


Welcome on Kevin :)

Your discussion has been redirected to British Columbia forum for effective networking. I hope you will get some responses, concerning this permit issue.

Best Regards

hi, i'm Cameroonian and i like to know what can i do to obtain a NAS in British columbia.