Minimum wage

Hi. We have just lost our guy that paid our bills for us, checked the house every so often and got things fixed while we are away and need to find a new person that can do that for us in Playas. He would also let in new vacationers for us and make sure they were settled.

What is the wage for this kind of work? Playas is not like Salinas, more low key so also does not get the same high rental value. What do you think is a fair wage for these services.

Thanks Judith

Labor laws in Ecuador mandate certain wages for certain jobs.  It also mandates that the person receive besies their monthly salary base, 2 weeks paid vacation, paid overtime, for certain positions housing, for work that extends over a crtain number of hours in the day paid meals, and additional "months pay" twice a year (bonus for Christmas and bonus for IESS)

What you have described, however, is more than the basic job description of a guardiano, who´s position os to watch the property and its contents (watch, not secure, they are not security).  You are also requesting a person for certain property management jobs.

That being said the, currently the basic wage is currently $389 per month (with the aforementioned benefits, 13th and 14th payments)

But for what you are asking, the monthly salary will be more.

Ok Thanks but this is a part time position. It involves paying the power and water once a month. Checking the house twice a month for leaks etc and giving the keys to renters when they are there which is maybe 4 times a year. Assist renters on the occasion that the need help and make sure the condo is clean etc before they arrive. Extra over and above is paid for cleaning windows. So not really a month to month salary. Very part time.

I once had success delegating such responsibility to a real estate firm .. for the rental of my home in Connecticut while I was traveling overseas for several months. 

I gave the the company a percentage of the rent that was being paid.


If your goal is to pay the bare “minimum wage” of Ecuador, you may get minimum service .. or minimum time of service.

If you post again, you might give us some insight by telling us why your guy is no longer in the picture.

Keep in mind that the job description you provided may not tell the whole story.  If there's a problem at the rental -- and there often is -- your guy is going to take the brunt of the complaining from the renters .. and you won't be around to fix it promptly, so it falls to him.

That's not necessarily a minimum wage situation if you want to keep the man around for future renters.

This is a cautionary thread for Expats who think they can buy property in Ecuador and hold onto it from thousands of miles away while somebody else manages it for them .. cheaply and consistently.
