Studying in Peru

Hello everyone,

Would you recommend studying abroad in Peru?

Every year, 4 million young people from all over the world choose to study abroad for one semester or a full academic year. Would you encourage them to come and study in Peru?

In your opinion, what are the most prestigious colleges and universities in the country/area? Are these free of charge? If not, are tuition fees expensive? Are there many foreign students enrolled in these schools/colleges/universities? What is the main language of instruction at the university?

Thank you in advance for sharing!

Ola Priscilla,
so many questions...guauu!

i think, to study in Peru it could be a possibility but depends what kind of study do you wanna start in Lima?  i'd recommend any study like forestation or something relating with agriculture or farming as well.  is that what you want to study?


Hi Carlos,

Thank you for your feedback and interest in this topic. Priscilla forms part of the Expat.Com team and this topic is a general one.

Could language be a barrier for someone who wishes to study in Peru ?

Thanks in advance,