
Does anynone know a good address of a pool in Palermo or Recoleta?


Here is a great public swimming pool that is huge, quite nice, and affordable (only a few pesos).

Parque Manuel Belgrano (KDT).
Location: Salguero y Costanera
Tel: 4807-7879

Here is a link to the official website for the City of Buenos Aires listing pools:

http://www.buenosaires.gov.ar/noticias/ … &idioma=es

Thank you Samuel, good times for pool those days...By the way, I plan to come tomorrow at Sugar party, do I need any justification from my registration at internations website?


Nope, you need not even be a member of Internations. The party is open to everyone and as the host I am considering it as part of the offerings of this forum and community as well as that of Good Morning Buenos Aires, my own project.