Ausbuildung as a backer

i gave my aufnahme prufung in medicine line in greifswald and could not pass it. So now i came to Schwetzingen and i am doing a german course again. I also want to do a ausbildung in the same time. is that possible?? What documents do i need in detail?? and do i have to give an exam for this??

To start an Ausbildung, you need to find a company (in your case a bakery) that takes you on as apprentice.
Of course it is possible to attend language classes in your free time (evening, weekend).

One assumes that by "backer" you meant baker. But you write that you failed an exam in "medicine line" whatever that is? Are you a Doctor or or in another medical field or how should we understand this. And if so, why would one try to become a baker? Can you clarify?