Are you happy in Zambia?

Hello everyone!

According to the 2016 UN World Happiness Survey, Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland are the happiest countries on earth.

How about you? Are you happy in Zambia? Do you feel happier today in your host country than before in your home country? What has contributed to the change?

In your opinion, are locals in Zambia happy? How can you tell?

Please share your experience!

Happily, the country is 70% cool in terms social interaction, and sadly (politically), its gotten divided by very pathetic few disgruntled persons in a self illegally imposed government. @why_18863

HAPPILY - the country (Zambia) 70% cool in terms of social interaction, and SADLY - a few pathetic disgruntled persons in a self illegally imposed government have gotten the country divided. The happenings more especially in the same ( so termed illegal gov't are pathetic...