Common misconceptions and clichés about life in Kuwait

Hello everyone,

Old clichés die hard, as the saying goes... and living in Kuwait can generate lots of misconceptions in the eyes of the people.

What are the most common misconceptions about the expat lifestyle in Kuwait?

What are the most common clichés about life in Kuwait in general?

Did you have a biased view of the country before moving there? What is you view now?

Thanks in advance,


Well life in Kuwait is not that much easy as it looks from out of the box. I can say only money is not everything for the life, you cannot buy peace  from money, life once gone cannot be recalled.
children education is not up to the mark, Families remain bound to the flat only, as of very very hot summer,
the work stress is too much, you have to work on different areas of work all though you might be professional in one thing, you need to adopt yourself with the organization. professional work does not  occur multitask things.
i have seen people in struggle all the time, nobody I met who can say he is happy and want to stay for ever, every body want to make Kuwait a launching pad for Europe countries.

Hello dear ,

Thank you for trusting me to answer this . Out of experience being responsible for recruitment and on boardig for all new employees in our company , I can tell you some steryptypying and ckishes expats would be having about Kuwait :

1. Same like KSA , women can not drive and cant were regular clothes ( total cover is a must )
2. Kuwait is a gold mine.
3. Locals are less educated and much less friendly .
4. Sponsorship is a kind of slavery.
5. It is better to spend 3-5 years in Kuwait then go back home.

I heard the above few/lots of times from different nationalities . I guess they take thier info from some websites which are more to the right/left .

I can say that the above is not true and too extreme after living almost 9 years in Kuwait .

Have a good day