Dealing with homesickness in Malaysia

Hello everyone,

Being an expat in Malaysia can turn out to be a wonderful human, social or professional adventure... with potential moments of nostalgia and homesickness along the way.

What are your personal tips to prevent homesickness?

How do you deal with such feelings?

Are there shops or stores offering products from your home country in Malaysia? Or maybe venues with music and ambiance from your homeland?

Thanks for sharing your experience,


I'm staying here only 4 months and don't feel nostalgia or homesickness.
Malaysia is really nice and friendly country.

Hi....if you think Malaysia is nice and friendly, why you feel home sick. You should meet good people and make new friends.

Please read. I've said don't...

Hey.....I'm sorry misreading the message. Hope you will have more fun and great time. Take care x :)

I cant answer since I never feel homesick. But I dont think people cope with it because when they get homesick they take a trip home!

I'm sorry to say that I am not dealing very well with the homesickness. Being 51 and single is a bit of a nightmare. I like to think I'm a very social person, but find it difficult to meet people. I have one year left in BI and I think I will be leaving.

Dear Priscilla,
Indeed you are very right, moving abroad can be both exciting and daunting! I wrote 2 articles on this topic to share my view point and to share some tips.
If you want to read more please click on the links below:

Handling Loneliness and Stress abroad

Tips for living abroad
Thanks and have a great day!

I've only been here 3 weeks, but we moved here after 18 months in brunei; frankly, kl is a hell of a lot better for expats than brunei. I don't get homesick, since i didn't grow up with much of a stable home, certainly not geographically. If i'm totally honest, i'd rather be anywhere in the world than back in the uk right now, what with all the BS going on over there at present.

i dont feel homesick

Hi  try to hit gym...