Dentist Job in Iceland


I am currently Working in UK and wold like to move abroad. My options are quite open so I was wondering if its easy to find jobs in Iceland? I would like to work as a Dentist. Does anybody know any website where I can find more info?


I'm in Neurogeriatrics, doing the same; started to organize all my Iceland paperwork and documentation back in 2009 (Work Visa, Licensing, Citizenship), ended up in China instead (lol), now back on track for IS.
Some websites I've found very helpful per employment and/or practice as a healthcare professional . . . … rk-permits and
Welcome hearing more about your Dentistry-related process. 
Andrew in US

are you already qualified as a dentist or do you want to study dentistry in Iceland?

One of the problems I think you might have working as a dentist is language. Do you speak any Icelandic?