Where to watch football?

With Vietnam in the semi-finals of the 2010 Suzuki Cup, I am curious about a good bar or establishment to watch the games.  I live in the Binh Thanh District and the two bars I've tried watching matches just had small TVs or not very good reception. 

Also, any good places to watch a little American Football since the playoffs are approaching?

You can come to Youth cultural House at 04 Pham Ngoc Thach (Near Duc Ba Church)

I'll be working tonight and will miss the game, but Go Vietnam!

Thanks. But Unlucky for our football Team!

Nice to meet you!

I'm from Boston and was worried I'd miss the rest of the Patriots awesome season by moving to HCMC.  Luckily I found a bar that plays the 8pm games (8am here).  There are only 2 8pm playoff games and the Super Bowl starts at 6:30pm (6:30 am here).  So if you're an early bird go to The Boston Sports bar in between Pham Ngu Lao and Bui Vien.

Thanks.  I'll remember to set my alarm for some early morning football in January.