Dealing with emergency situations in Nepal

Hello everybody,

Dealing with unexpected situations abroad can be a very difficult matter. In order to better help expats and soon-to-be expats in Nepal face such tricky situations, we invite you to share your advice and experience.

What are the key emergency numbers you should know by heart?

In the event of a legal problem, an accident, a natural disaster, an injury or the death of a close family member, what are the first things to do in Nepal?

What are the things to plan ahead in order to better cope with such unexpected situations (registration at the Embassy, transport, medical, comprehensive insurance for instance)?

If you have gone through such experiences in Nepal, do not hesitate to share your story.

Thank you in advance!


You can log into your mobile numbers of your newly found Nepali friends. You should also log in the Tourist Police phone number. They have English speaking officers who can help you if you get into a problem.

One tourist I know of was riding on top of a bus and got bounced off. Nobody knew what to do with her until someone thought to look through her mobile numbers. Her Nepali friend came to the rescue with a helicopter ride to Kathmandu.

When I stayed in Kathmandu I seemed to have a continuous sinus infection or something else. I learned which hospitals to go to and which ones to avoid. Although I go into the subject in great detail in my eBook, Nepal: A Tourist's Manual, one thing to keep in mind is to not go to a government hospital. They are unhygienic, but there are many good hospitals and medical bargains to be found in Nepal.

Another thing; you don't have to go to the the tourist clinic, CIWEC. They charge way too much and there are many good hospitals. You can sign up with your embassy in case of a disaster like the earthquakes. Always pay your permit fees, too, so they will know where to start looking for you if you go missing while trekking.

Completely and unreservedly share the view expressed here that CIWEC charges foreigners far too much. Narvic is not cheap either, but if you ask around, you will be able to see and consult with and be treated by exactly the same doctor...who happens to ALSO work (on alternative days) in one of the many other fine and most competent hospitals, like Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu Medical college etc. True, you may have to stand in line for a while, but one can gain entry and get an entrance ticket  there  with the payment  costing as low as 50 roupies!  So why pay hundreds of dollars or euros, to those medical entities which overcharge, as you quite rightly point out?  it's a scandal of sorts.

About resorting to using helicopters, an emergency is an emergency....and a helicopter may be required if the case or accident is serious.  But one better have insurance coverage for such eventualities.  I have heard of some extreme cases where people have been charged up to $3,500 for a helicopter to "come to the rescue" high up in the Himalayas  - That is no small change.  Get insurance, if at all possible, would be my advice there.