Cost of living in Riyadh

I'm in the final stages of deciding to take a position in Riyadh. Can anyone give me a basic idea of monthly cost of food for a family of 3 (couple with a 9 yr old)? I won't hold you to it, LOL. Thanks Heather

Find out what the company pays for, the biggest expenses here is housing and Insurance. If they provide you with that then u ll have no probs, since around $1000 should cover everything else, food, electricity, schooling, telephone, etc.

and I hope that the figure is accurate as well.. :D:D

$ 1000 can cover food and utilities but not schooling.

Food is similar in cost to the UK. Not sure how it compares to SA! Some imported food items are a bit more expensive.

If the company is looking after you then food and any entertainment will be your only expense.
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