Problems of being Left Handed in Indonesia

I am a left hander, yes I'll admit it. And with that comes difficulties living in a moslem country. One has to constantly remind oneself to use the right hand and not the left when dealing with people, giving money to pay bills, taking a receipt, patting someone on the back etc. What other problems do left handers face in Indonesia and how have you managed to overcome them?

I have met people handing things to me with left hand. I admit it is not because they are left handed though, more because at that time their right hand is occupied.
And they simply say, "sorry, left hand" (Maaf, tangan kiri).

I feel that as a whole Indonesia is a tolerant country. Left handed is recognised by many as having a different active brain hemisphere. And ambidextrous is even viewed as a wow factor.

Good thing though, I havent met anyone shaking hands with their left hand, for I dont know whether my left hand can shake naturally. Interestingly my left hand has always been stronger than right hand and I used it for arm wrestling in my youth.

My toddler son, sometimes use left hand to scoop up food with spoon, I am still wondering whether his left hand would be active in the future.

So be it right handed or left handed. I have not seen much prejudice here.